We need your help to make sure your data is safe & well prepared for Spendee 5! ⚠️ It only takes a few seconds to check this out & it’s very important to do so.
- Open Spendee on your phone and go to Settings in the upper right corner (iOS) or to More in bottom right corner (Android).
2. Scroll down to see Data ready for Spendee 5 information.
3. If you’re still seeing “No” in your Spendee — keep your app opened for a while (this may take 1–5 minutes, depending on your data size). If it doesn’t work and you already tried again with killing the app — please follow the steps down below and stop your auto-updates for Spendee 5.
Step 1 👣
Are you seeing “NO” in your Spendee? In this case, please log in to our Web App (even if you’ve never used it) and check whether all of your data is synced there (compare the data you see in the web app and on your mobile phone). Don't worry, you can check this even with the read-only version. 🤓
➡️ I can’t see my data in the web app. Don’t uninstall the app or log out from the app at any cost before you proceed ⚠️ It may result in a data loss. Skip step 2 and pass right on to Step 3 (export of your data).
➡️ I see my data in the web app. If you see the data there, it means it’s safe and sound in the cloud and you can proceed to Step 2 (reinstalling the app). It can be done simply by removing the app from your device completely and downloading it again from the store.
Step 2 👣 (skip this if you can't see data in web app)
Can you please make sure you’ve got the latest available version of the mobile app? 📲 We’ve released 3.16.6 on iOS and 4.5.11 on Android (you can see the version you currently have at the bottom of the settings/more section). After you update the app, you might have to keep it open for a few minutes again. Once you do that and log back in, the issue will be, hopefully, gone! 🙏🏼
Step 3 👣 (if steps 1 & 2 weren't enough)
This means that we’ll export your data from our backend database, however, only the data imported there (the one you can see in the Web App) will be available for you in Spendee 5.
⚠️ Due to the fact that your data are incorrect in the Web App, it is necessary for you to export your MISSING data from the mobile app right before your update to Spendee 5. ️(just missing transactions, otherwise you will have the duplicates when you import them back). ⚠️
Once you update to Spendee 5 and you’ll get access to the Web App again, you will import the missing/correct data there so that you will not lose any! We really recommend you to export your data from the mobile app and keep in mind that it’s better to have two exports (now and right before the update) than none.
You can find the steps on how to export and import your data within our help center:
Thanks for your cooperation guys, see you soon in a new coat! 🔥 In case of any other questions, please contact us at hello@spendee.com